Meikki sekä valitusblogi maanantai kysely, voi. 240

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

No, se ei ole paljon kyselystä. Se on paljon enemmän vain säännöllisesti kehittyvää (harvoin?), Jonkin satunnainen huolenaihe Olen laskenut vierailijoille joka maanantaiaamuna viimeisten neljän vuoden aikana. Olen aina nautinnut lukemaan vastauksiasi kommentteihin, samoin kuin toivon, että sinulla on ilo lukea minun.

I’m like Tony the Tiger today. I feel grrreatt! This is the very first week in months that I haven’t had some bit side job or home thingy to do, so I feel quite great about that.

Oh, as well as I really went to bed at a respectable hour for a change! — yup, since I completed enjoying the last episode of Friday night Lights. In total, I enjoyed all 73 or 74 episodes of that show in three weeks!

Wow, that’s a great deal of TV… however it was excellent TV. I’m serious, what a terrific show. extremely recommended, even if you only have a small bit of rate of interest in football.

Yes, ma’am, today feels like it’s going to be a excellent day.

Are there any type of bedtime rituals or things you do to assist yourself autumn asleep?
Tahdon. a lot of importantly, I requirement at least a couple hours away from the computer, which is really much easier stated than done. as well as not just my primary computer, however every bit Internet-connected device. Smartphones as well as tablets (we have a first-gen Kindle Fire) make it so simple to surf the web from the couch.

Every night, after I put away the gizmos, I make myself a huge cup of Sleepytime Tea, which I sip while I enjoy something brainless on TV. That’s been my primary bedtime ritual for years.

I believe it likewise helps, for different reasons, when I get in a workout earlier in the day. Running relieves my lower back pain as well as makes me feel a bit much better about myself (like I’ve really done something productive that day).

What was the last makeup counter you keep in mind visiting?
I believe it was the Chanel as well as Laura Mercier counters at Nordie’s a couple weeks ago. Niin hauskaa! There are some truly passionate makeup artists at both counters (at the village in Corte Madera), as well as the enthusiasm they have for their lines always gets me terminated up.

Do you ever take photos with your phone? If you do, what do you like to snap?
Do I ever take photos with my phone? Um, survey says, YES! I feel naked without some type of cam with me in any way times, as well as that bit cam on the iphone is surprisingly great (if you hold it extremely steady).

Most of the pics in my cam roll are of food, felines as well as other random things that make me laugh (like the photo at the top of this post).

What’s one of the most practical books you’ve ever read?
Anne Lamott’s Bird By Bird: Some directions on composing as well as Life. Great, excellent book. No kidding, however I’ve re-read it at least 20 times! Anne’s so funny as well as inspiring that I always feel much better about myself when I checked out it. Whenever I begin doubting myself or freaking out about something associated to writing, that book nearly always helps. It’s like medicine for self-sabotaging inner artists.

In it Anne talks a great deal about fiction writing, however I suggest it for any individual who composes anything for work, institution or even blogging.

Oh, as well as once, get this: I bumped into Anne Lamott in a motion picture movie theater restroom right here in Marin County, which is where she’s from, however I didn’t state anything since I didn’t want to bother her, so I just provided her a smile. somebody else walked as much as her assertively a moment earlier as well as stated that Bird by Bird had altered their life, as well as Anne looked type of taken aback/annoyed! I assumption she truly wished to get back to her movie.

What’s the trick in your trick sauce?
Two handfuls of tabby feline hair as well as a lots cheesy jokes, LOL!


Nah, not really. I assumption if there is a trick to…anything, it’s to try to preserve a positive attitude, no matter what.

What are three things you miss about your younger days, as well as three things you don’t?
I miss sleeping soundly all night, every night. I miss not having to believe about adult things all the time. I miss seeing my household every day.

I don’t miss having to spend 10-20 minutes trying to find a location to park my cars and truck when I resided in San Francisco. I don’t miss living with strangers who always ate my food in the fridge (food that was clearly marked with my name on it!). as well as I don’t miss costs all the time working in a workstation as well as feeling absolutely miserable about myself.

Are you currently enjoying any type of appeal products on which you just recently splurged?
Chanel’s Poudre Universelle Libre natural surface loose Powder in Translucent 3. It was a splurge a couple weeks ago, as well as I”M todella rakastaa sitä toistaiseksi. Jauhe on uskomattoman hieno, samoin kuin ymmärrän, että se kestää jonkin aikaa, koska huoman, että olen tuskin hyödyntää minkä tahansa tyyppistä, jotta saat mukavan, täysin matta matta.

Mikä on ensisijainen teini-ikäinen elokuva?
Ooh! vaikea kysymys. Pidän niin paljon heistä, mutta ensimmäinen, joka oli mieleen, on Clueless.


Kissat ja meikkipaita?

42 dollaria

Osta nyt

Tiedät, tarkistin vain nautintoa säännöllisesti, että liike kuva kääntyi juuri 17-vuotiaana … 17 vuotta vanha! Muistan silti mielessä se elokuvateatterissa, kun menin Davisin laitokseen.

Vau, oli se todella kauan sitten? Yikes!

Viikoittaiset tavoitteet:
Älä anna pelkoon! Älä tee sitä!

Hei, hi ystävä! miten se menee tänään? Toivon, että maanantai pääsi Smooovesiin.

Jos sinulla on toinen, anna minun ymmärtää tarkalleen, miten teet tänään tällä viikolla maanantaina. Haluan aina kuulla sinusta viikon alkaessa (ja koko viikon ajan).

Yhteensä maanantaina kyselyn, kopioi vain noudattaa luetteloa, samoin kuin liitä se vastauksillesi kommenteissa.


1. Mieliala:
2. Onko olemassa sellaisia ​​nukkumaanmenejä tai asioita, joita teet auttaaksesi syksyllä unessa?
3. Mikä oli viimeinen meikkilaskuri, jonka pidät mielessäsi?
4. Otatko valokuvia puhelimesi kanssa?
5. Mikä on yksi käytännöllisimmistä kirjoista, joita olet koskaan lukenut?
6. Mikä temppu on temppukastikkeessa?
7. Mitkä ovat kolme asiaa, joita et menetä nuoremmista päivistäsi, sekä kolme asiaa, joita et?
8. Oletko tällä hetkellä nauttinut minkäänlaisia ​​valitustuotteita, joihin olet äskettäin splurged?
9. Mikä on ensisijainen teini-elokuvasi?
10. Säännölliset tavoitteet:


Aion tehdä nopean Starbucksin, samoin kuin olen ihanteellinen takaisin. Voinko arvostaa sinua yksi heidän kurpitsan maku latves? “Tis kausi, samoin kuin kaikki.

Ystävällinen yhteisön valituslääketieteesi,


Author: nvdwd

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